Saco-S logotype

About us

The Saco-S Association at Uppsala University represents about 4 000 Saco members from 18 independent unions and 7 local-local Saco-S associations. We pursue issues at a central level with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers as counterpart and sign essential collective agreements on, for example, pensions, general terms of employment, vacation, sickness compensation and parental leave.

Negotiating working conditions

Saco-S at Uppsala University is the largest of the three staff organizations that are mandated to conclude collective agreements with Uppsala University, including a local working hours agreement for teachers and for technical and administrative staff, as well as an appoinment regulation which regulates, for example, recruitment, eligibility and assessment. We also negotiate exceptions and special rules for individual employees if the central agreements allow and both the employer and employee agree.

Salary review

Normally, the salaries of the University employees are revised on October 1 each year. Because salaries are individual, this is done via local salary negotiations where each employees' salary is negotiated separately, except for the doctoral students' salaries that follow a specific ladder. The Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S have centrally agreed on that salary-setting discussions applies to all Saco members working within government bodies if the employer and the Saco-S Association do not agree on something else. At the 2016 negotiations, salary-setting discussions were conducted at the University Administration, the Internal Audit, UUI and NCK. As from the review of 2017 the University Library has also been included. The rest of the employees at the University has salary dialogues and local union negotiations.

Salary survey

Uppsala University will conduct annual salary surveys to detect, correct and prevent unjust salary differences between women and men. The employer leads the work and the Saco-S Association actively participates together with the other staff organizations at the University.

Dispute negotiations

In cases where the employer has not complied with laws or agreements, the Saco-S Association can call for negotiation. Examples of such negotiations that the Saco-S Association recently called for are when the employer has had a person employed as a substitute for more than two years during the last five years, which means that the person's employment has been transferred to a permanent position. Another example is when the employer has not notified the employee that his/her time-limited employment will be terminated. This must be done at least one month before the employment ends.

Member matters

Anyone can fall for what we call a member matter. For example, member matters may be about change of duties, how much teaching/research you have in your service plan, doctoral student prolongation, abusive discrimination or harassment. Members can come to us for advice and support in solving the situation.

The Saco-S Association has about 3 800 members. Suppose that one percent of them have some kind of work-related issue and that when someone has received help, someone new needs help, then we would always have 38 members for whom we assist to find a solution. One percent is low, and we recommend that our members come to us sooner rather than later. The Saco-S Association does not proceed in the member matter without the member and the Saco-S Association agreeing.

Conflict of interest

To avoid conflict of interest we, who work for the Saco-S Association at the University, do not negotiate at our own department, ie where we have our employment. We also do not negotiate with family members or close friends. All this also applies to member matters.

Work environment issues

The Saco-S Association appoints the safety representatives who are members of any of the independent Saco unions. The Saco-S Association also manages its part in the safety representative organization and participates in the work of SVAM, the Joint Committee on Work Environment Issues.

How we inform our members

The Saco-S Association's ambition is to reach out to its members on a regular basis to provide information on important issues. We do this by

  • continuously updating our website
  • issuing a membership newsletter via e-mail (also published under News)
  • meeting new employees at the introductory course for new employees
  • meeting members and potential members at various events in the business,

Employer's duty to inform

The rules in the Employment (Co-Determination in the Workplace) Act (MBL), give the staff organizations the right to knowledge about and insight into the employer's activities. This is to enable us to defend the rights of our members. The employer must inform the staff organizations on their own initiative and the information must be provided on an ongoing basis. At Uppsala University, this is done in:

  • CSAM, the Central Collaboration group
  • SVAM, Joint Committee on Work Environment Issues
  • The University Board, Disciplinary Domain Boards, Faculty Boards

The employer fulfills its obligation to provide information by giving the staff organizations the right to attend and the right to free speech in various boards and committees.

At the department level, this matter is handled in slightly different ways. At some departments, the Saco-S Association has local-local boards or contact persons who regularly meet with the department's management and receive information on the development of the business and the guidelines for personnel policy. In cases where there is no local-local board or contact person, the head of department must continuously keep the Saco-S Association informed, according to the Employment (Co-Determination in the Workplace) Act, Section 19.


  • E-mail:

    Postal address:
    Box 533
    751 21 Uppsala

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Thunbergsvägen 7A, Uppsala

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