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Saco-S's work on equal opportunities and gender mainstreaming

Saco-S at Uppsala University's work on equal opportunities and gender mainstreaming is primarily based on the University's work on equal opportunities and gender mainstreaming. Saco-S at Uppsala University participates in the University's work on gender mainstreaming, the salary survey, safety representative training and more. Saco-S at Uppsala University draws attention to the issue in various types of negotiations, such as business plans. In addition, Saco-S at Uppsala University strives to have information available in both Swedish and English.

Saco-S at Uppsala University are represented in

  • the Equal Opportunities Advisory Board (Representative: Sofia Orrbén)
  • Gender mainstreaming reference group, JiUU (Representative: Karin Lindelöf)
  • the team working on the salary survey (Representative: Kirsi Höglund)
  • the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology's Committee for Equal Opportunities (Representative: Clara Gauffin).

Goals and strategies for equal opportunities for the saco-s association at uppsala university

The document was approved at the annual meeting 2020-11-25.

Goals for equal opportunities

The Saco-S Association at Uppsala University

  • works to ensure that all employees and job-seekers are treated in a fair manner and under the rule of law in accordance with the Discrimination Act.
  • works for everyone's equal rights and opportunities to participate in the union work at Uppsala University.
  • integrates an equal opportunities perspective in all parts of its business.

Equal opportunities are a question of rights for the individual and a question of quality for the organization. This goal and strategy document is based on the seven grounds of discrimination in the Discrimination Act (SFS 2008:567): sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation and age.

The Discrimination Act requires continuous equal opportunities work with active measures for all grounds of discrimination. Active measures refer to preventive and promotional work in order to prevent discrimination within a business and in other ways promote equal rights and opportunities regardless of the ground of discrimination. According to the Discrimination Act, the continuous equal opportunities work must include:

  • working conditions,
  • regulations and practices regarding pay and other terms of employment,
  • recruitment and promotion,
  • education and training, and other skills development,
  • possibilities to reconcile gainful employment and parenthood,
  • admission and recruitment procedures,
  • teaching methods and organization of education,
  • examinations and assessments of students' performance,
  • doctoral students' study environment, and
  • possibilities to reconcile postgraduate studies with parenthood.

Strategies for equal opportunities

We, the elected representatives in the Saco-S Association

  • treats all members and potential members in a respectful and equal manner.
  • uses an accessible language, which means that we avoid unnecessarily complicated language, and that we use both Swedish and English.
  • designs our information material, our information events and internal meetings so that it promotes a broad participation.
  • gives all members the opportunity to find out about the commissions of trust, what the commission as elected representative entails, what the requirements are and who to turn to if there are questions.
  • has open and transparent processes for recruiting new elected representatives.
  • treat each other in a respectful manner and support and encourage each other to develop our full potential.
  • has competence and further educates us in matters of equal opportunities, as well as the handling of matters relating to discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment.
  • is an active party in Uppsala University's work with equal opportunities.
  • ensures that all members are treated in an equal manner in all types of negotiations (* see example below).
  • takes into account all grounds of discrimination in the daily work within the framework of the Saco-S Association's activities.

* Example:

  1. In connection with salary negotiations, neither individuals nor groups (for example postdocs, who at some departments mostly are foreign-born) should be assessed on other criteria than the assessment criteria that applies to everyone else.
  2. In relocation trials, people who do not know "good enough Swedish" shall be given an opportunity to supplement with training in Swedish.

Download goals and strategies for equal opportunities for the Saco-S associtation at Uppsala University in PDF format. Pdf, 199 kB.


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    751 21 Uppsala

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