Contact Saco-S at Uppsala University
Visit: The local Saco-S office at Uppsala University is found in a yellow house called Gula villan on Thunbergsvägen 7A at the English Park Campus, where you can visit us. The office has no set hours for reception, meetings take place by appointment.
Postal address: Saco-S Association at Uppsala University, Box 533, 751 21 Uppsala
Office phone hours: The office has no set hours for phone. Please, leave a message by e-mail with a telephone number and we will call you as soon as we are available.
We who work at the office are:
- Marco Chiodaroli: Handles recruitment of members for the Saco-S Association.
- Julie Hansen: Handles notices of temporary employees for the Saco-S Association.
- Jun Mei Hu Frisk: Handles work task plans.
- Kirsi Nording Cronsten: Handles salary issues and investigations.
- Lina Nääs: Webmaster and responsible for the Association's graphic profile and communication.
- Mahbubur Rahman: Administrates safety representatives for the Saco-S Association.
- Charlotte Swenning Leyser: (on leave).
Local-local boards
In some areas of the University, there are local-local associations with their own boards:
Department of Business Studies
Chairperson: Cecilia Lindblom
Josef Pallas
Ann-Kristin Lindberg
Tina Hedmo
Christine Holmström Lind
Jakob Westergren
University Administration
Chairperson: Paula Karlström
Jorja Zambars
Davor Vusir
Kristin Sverredal
Alexandra Abde
Oddný Notstrand
Department of Government
Chairperson: Johanna Pettersson Fürst
Vice chairperson: Stina-Lena Kaarle
Anders Sjögren
Linuz Aggeborn
Camilla Reuterswärd
University Library
Chairperson: Emma Kristina Carlsson
Vice chairperson: Nicklas Högås
Olivia Larsson
Lisa Åström
Department of Theology
Chairperson: Thomas Ekstrand
Ulf Zackariasson
Martha Middlemiss Lé Mon
Lina Langby
Martin Langby
Pär Ottoson
Ångström Laboratory
Chairperson: Marco Chiodaroli
Vice chairperson: Olga Sunneborn Gudnadottir
Bedour Alshaigy
Bappaditya Mandal
Michael Papenbrock
Mauricio Perez
Lakshmi Salelkar
Andreas Solders
Suppleant: Guillaume Gaullier