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Saco-S at Uppsala University

The local Saco-S association that guards your working conditions at Uppsala University.

Quick facts about Saco-S at UU

The Saco-S Association at Uppsala University represents about 4 000 Saco members from 18 independent unions and 7 local-local Saco-S associations.

The Swedish Association for University Teachers and Researchers, SULF, is the largest independent union at the University with about 1 800 members and is thus also the contact union at Uppsala University. SULF has a local association at Uppsala University that works closely with the Saco-S Association.

Saco, the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations, is a politically independent central organisation with 21 independent unions. The Saco unions together have about 960 000 academics who are members, such as students, researchers, teachers, self-employed or employees.

Saco's state-employed academics are represented by the negotiation organisation Saco-S, which pursues issues at a central level with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers as counterpart. Saco-S signs essential collective agreements on, for example, pensions, general terms of employment, vacation, sickness compensation and parental leave. Saco-S includes 18 independent Saco unions.


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    Box 533
    751 21 Uppsala

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