The latest doctoral student salary ladder (2024)
The doctoral student salary ladder for 2024 was completed on September 19 2024 and applies from October 1 2024.
If you have compensation from the Swedish Social Security Agency (Swedish: Försäkringskassan): do not forget to notify them of your new salary so that you receive the correct compensation.
In market vulnerable fields and areas of business, salary supplements for doctoral students may be justified. The salary supplements shall then not be based on individual performance and competence.
The information below is an unofficial translation of part of the agreement in Swedish.
The following salaries per month shall apply to employment as a doctoral student and assistant with doctoral student duties (when the time for doctoral student employemnt is used up).
Salary ladder for doctoral student
Starting salary: SEK 31 900
Year 2: SEK 32 400
Year 3: SEK 33 200
50%: SEK 33 700
80%: SEK 36 400
Salary ladder for doctoral student with Degree of Master of Science in Medicine (Swedish: läkarexamen)
Starting salary: SEK 36 300
Year 2: SEK 36 800
Year 3: SEK 37 600
50%: SEK 38 100
80%: SEK 40 800
Salary ladder for doctoral student who is a registered doctor of medicine (Swedish: legitimerad läkare)
Starting salary: SEK 38 300
Year 2: SEK 38 800
Year 3: SEK 39 600
50%: SEK 40 100
80%: SEK 42 800