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Chief safety representative

There are currently seven protection areas (Swedish: skyddsområden), which are mainly located on the campus areas at Uppsala University. Each protection area is led by a chief safety representative (Swedish: huvudskyddsombud), who has about 20 % of their ordinary working hours reduced to be able to fulfill this mission.

The task of the chief safety representative is to coordinate the activities of the safety representatives by

  • being a resource for the employer in changes that affect the work environment
  • participating in meetings with the staff organisations
  • participating in chief safety representative meetings
  • exercising attendance and the right to express their views at meetings with the head of departments council (Swedish: prefektrådet) or the campus management council (Swedish: intendenturstyrelsen)
  • convening and conducting meetings with the safety representatives within their own protection area
  • being available on the phone and email for urgent questions and issues
  • informing and arranging training for safety representatives within their own protecftion area
  • working to ensure that safety representatives are present at all departments within their own protection area
  • informing the employer about the role of the safety representative and assist in the recruitment of safety representatives
  • further educating and by staying well informed on relevant work environment issues
  • cooperating with other chief safety representatives and the employer across protection area boundaries in difficult work environment issues
  • contributing to solutions to individual work environment issues.

Chief safety representatives at Uppsala University

Coordinating chief safety representative
Uppsala University
Fredrik Movitz

Protection area 1
Ekonomikum, Uppsala University Library, Gamla torget Campus, the Munken Block, Musicum, Gustavianum
Ann-Kristin Lindberg

Protection area 2
the Segerstedt Building, English Park Campus, SCAS, Blåsenhus
Fredrik Movitz

Protection area 3
EBC (including Erken and Klubban), Geo Centre, Uppsala Botanical Garden (including Linnaeus' Hammarby)
Nahid Heidari

Protection area 4
Mojgan Seraji
Deputy chief safety representative: Nina Williams

Protection area 5
Rudbeck Laboratory, Uppsala University Hospital
Nahid Heidari (acting)

Protection area 6
Peter Gonzaléz Lundström

Protection area 7
Campus Gotland
Sara Utas Vestling


  • E-mail:

    Postal address:
    Box 533
    751 21 Uppsala

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